Monday, 10 January 2022

My Review of Riverdance By Annabelle

I went to see Riverdance the 25th anniversary show on 10th November 2021.  I wasn’t born when Riverdance first became well known so I was seeing it for the first time. 

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  • You could see footage of the original Riverdance at the start and end of the show

  • Each scene was an adapted version of Irish dancing from around the world 

  • The Brooklyn scene was amazing, it was like two gangs having a dance off!

  • The costumes were outstanding and so many costume changes

  • The numbers of dancers on stage had a real impact 

  • They danced Riverdance at the end of act one, I could feel it in my chest, I was on the edge of my seat 

  • Different dance styles; tap, jazz, contemporary and Irish

  • There was an equal amount of time given to musical instrument performances, singing and dance performances

  • There were a small number of musicians on stage including a saxophonist. A lot of the time they were in the background, so you don’t realise that they play the entire length of the show where as the dancers go on and off stage 


  • The flamenco dancer was unavailable, but they didn’t give an explanation why


The performance was utterly amazing. I loved the celebration of different cultures. There were instruments that I had never seen before (Uilleann Pipes). The saxophonist Emma McPhilemy was very inspiring, so I have researched her and my Mum is following her on social media. The show program gives you an idea of where the cast studied and the steps they took to get to where they are now.